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Traits Of Add - Positive Points About Having Add

Traits Of Add


You were always cracking jokes when you were a kid - you were known as the class clown. You always had your classmates cracking up, even during "quiet time." Your teacher did not take too kindly to this. But you were hilarious. As an adult, your ADD brain still can take twists and turns that help you come up with some naturally funny material.

You may also have no concept of this thing people refer to as "stage fight." You love having an audience. You could give a lecture in front of five hundred people with no problem. And when you give a lecture, you are very good at it. The audience is riveted while you speak. In addition, you have the ability to see humor and absurdity, in situations that look hopeless to others. You lighten the mood, and you help everyone put things into perspective. Having a great sense of humor can be an incredible gift you give to others.


When you were a kid, your mother had to put extra deadbolts on the door - you were always trying to escape so you could play outside. Now that you are an adult, you may find that you love being outside, taking in nature and the world around you. You may feel calmer just by being in the fresh air. In fact, being outside can help reduce the impact of your ADD. When you are outdoors, you may feel a connection with nature that others don't experience - you feel like you are part of a bigger plan and that all living things are connected to each other. Your interest may lead to a career in wildlife conservation or forestry. Traits Of Add


When you were playing video games when you were a kid, you didn't just play the games - you were inside them. Your dad would eventually have to come up and shut off the computer or TV because you just didn't hear him the three times he yelled for you. Now that you are an adult, you may get so into an interesting project that everything just seems to fall away and time flies by, You may think it's strange that one of the features of ADD is that you can actually pay attention really well! It just has to be something that really interests you. In fact, when you get into your hyperfocusing mode, you may pay even better attention than people without ADD!


When you accompanied your mom to the grocery store, you would immediately run off and introduce yourself to random people in the store. Your mother was mortified. Now that you are an adult, you are the first person to approach a new coworker or neighbor. You love meeting new people. You have the ability to strike up a conversation anywhere with anyone. Sure, you may not always say the "right" thing, but you've met a lot of interesting people!

You have a natural charisma. People just seem drawn to you. You believe that people are essentially good. It can be difficult for you to comprehend why people would treat others unfairly. This leads to you having a strong sense of justice, another positive trait of ADD.

You don't hold grudges. In fact, you may give people a shot again and again. You may let anger or upset toward others go away easily - partially because you tend to see the good in all people and partially because you can't remember what they did to get you upset in the first place. You've already moved on to other things!


When you were a kid, you would argue your point until the bitter end - even if it resulted in a longer time-out experience. When you're an adult, this can translate into having a strong sense of justice - a clear understanding of right and wrong. You have experienced what it is like to be the outsider or the kid who just didn't fit in, and you are sensitive to how others are treated.

You may root for the underdog or stick up for the person who seems to have an outside shot rather than cheer for the favored winner. When you see injustice done to someone or something, you get angry or fired up. Now you can channel this energy into something positive: You can use that energy to be a catalyst for change. If you get upset about a news story on animal abuse, you can volunteer with an animal protection organization. If you get upset because you don't feel ADD kids are being treated fairly at school you can get involved with a national ADD organization. Traits Of Add


When you were a kid, you may have been more quick to tears than other kids, especially when you were teased. Now you are the one that all your friends go to when they need advice or a shoulder to cry on. You find it easy to understand what others are going through, to the point where you may actually start feeling the same way that they do. You are good at "reading" people - you instantly know if they are good or if you can trust them. You also intuitively know what other people need. You just seem to know the exact right time to call a friend and you know just the right thing to say to help someone feel better.

You are also empathic with animals. When you were a kid, you were always bringing a stray animal home - cats, dogs, birds - whatever animal needed your help. They seem to gravitate toward you, and you naturally seem to know what they need. People tell you that you seem to have a natural knack with other living things. You seem to be able to "listen" to animals. 


When you were a kid, you would try to negotiate the terms of your punishments with your parents - and sometimes you were able to get your "sentence" reduced or even commuted. Your parents said you would make a great attorney. You also had a knack for talking kids into things - which resulted in some interesting adventures. Now that you are an adult, being persuasive can translate into a successful career in sales, management, international diplomacy, or trial law. You know what a client needs, sometimes without even having to ask them - and you find a way to fill that need. You know how to argue your case swiftly and effectively, and you tailor your message based on who is receiving it. It's almost as if people are hypnotized by you as you speak.


When you were a kid, you didn't have an "off" switch. Your parents said that you didn't really sleep at night - you just recharged. As an adult, you may love waking up in the morning because of all the opportunities that await you. You tend to see the good in every situation, even when things look bleak to others. You are always open to new experiences. People tell you that you "always have your hat on" - you are ready for a new adventure at a moment's notice. You may even inspire people to try new things. The best place for you to travel is a place you've never been before. You are perfectly okay traveling solo. In fact, you may prefer it because then you can see as many things as possible. You live your life without fear. To learn more, you can check out Traits Of Add.