What Is ADHD
Is there a genetic link with ADHD?
Dr, Ladmore: There is increasing evidence from medical studies that genetic factors play a role in ADHD. Jacquelyn Gillis and her team, then at the University of Colorado, reported in 1992 that the risk of ADHD in a child whose identical twin has the disorder is between 11 and 18 times greater than that of a non-twin sibling of a child with ADHD. She showed that between 55 and 92 percent of the identical twins of children with ADHD eventually develop the condition.
A large study of twins in Norway, involving 526 identical twins (who inherit exactly the same genes) and 389 fraternal twins (who are no more alike genetically than siblings born years apart), found that ADHD had nearly an 80 percent chance of being inherited. They concluded that up to 80 percent of the differences in attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity between people with ADHD and those without the disorder can be explained by genetic factors.
In addition, scientists are telling us that there are genetic mechanisms that regulate hyperactivity, especially as they relate to dopamine. For example, a significant percentage of people with ADHD have been found to have an abnormality of the dopamine D4 receptor gene, which is associated with abnormal risk-taking behavior and hyperactivity.
What does this mean for your family? Simply that one or both of the parents of your ADHD child are likely to have ADHD. If so, dealing with your child may remind you of some painful memories from your childhood or teenage years. This can make it even more difficult and emotional to deal with your child. Furthermore, the unaffected siblings may be more likely to have children of their own with ADHD. These are just a few of the reasons that many ADHD therapists will recommend that parents and siblings also be tested for ADHD and consider education and counseling for the entire family.
Some of the lessons learned so far
1. Parents who are ADHD often have children with ADHD.
2. ADHD kids often see the world through different eyes than other people. Their unique way of looking at the the big world - their ability to see the big picture - is a refreshing characteristic that should be lauded by all those who are so focused in their observations that they miss the forest for the trees.
3. ADHD kids respond better to encouragement than to criticism. They have difficulty processing verbal commands, especially if they are given in anger.
4. Since ADHD children thrive on encouragement, they often have the capacity to be great encouragers themselves.
Dennis: At one of the previous post, Dr. Bill Maier wrote that ADHD is a characteristic that runs in families. I often think that one of the reasons I lose my patience with Dusty more often than Lauree does is because we are so alike. His foul-ups remind me of my foul-ups, and so my impatience contains a little bit of self-directed anger as well. And sometimes I am terribly defensive about Dusty for the same reason - I'm super sensitive to what he is going.
Diane: I had a really huge problem dealing with a couple of Danielle's softball coaches over the years. When I was in the car following a game, I would often verbalize this frustration, which did no one any good. It was particularly hard on Danielle, who would internalize my mood. So I know how defensive one can be when you feel your kid isn't getting a fair shake. It feels like a time bomb inside your soul that simmers week after week until some incident or somebody's insensitive remark sets it off, leaving you feeling like a modern-day impersonation of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I think I have spent more time in prayer about this than any other single thing in my life.
Question for Parents
Do you find your child difficult to put up with because you're so similar?
More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. (Romans 5:3-5, ESV)
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