Treatments For Adhd Without Medication
You've probably already been diagnosed with ADD, but whether you already have a diagnosis or are seeking an evaluation, it helps to have a team of mental health clinicians on your side. In this post, you will learn about the concept of a treatment team and the different types of clinicians who treat ADD. You will find out how to get a referral or recommendation for a clinician who specializes in ADD, do research before making an appointment, make an appointment, and make a decision about whether to include that person on your team.
A treatment team is a group of clinicians who help you with your ADD diagnosis and treatment. They include clinicians who prescribe medication, conduct evaluations and testing, and do talk therapy (counseling). While you may be considering treating your ADD with medication only or with counseling alone, you may want to consider trying a combination of the two. Research shows that the moat effective treatment may be a combination of medication and therapy.
Prescribing Clinicians
There are different types of clinicians who can prescribe medication for ADD: psychiatrists, primary care physicians, advanced registered nurse practitioners, and physician's assistants. These clinicians are described below and are listed in order from the most to the least medical training received. All of the following clinicians can be found in each of the fifty states and in the District of Columbia. Treatments For Adhd Without Medication
Psychiatrists have graduated from medical school, have completed an internship and a residency, and have acquired additional training in mental health issues. They are the most qualified of the clinicians in terms of psychiatric knowledge and years of training. While psychiatrists in the past mainly did talk therapy or counseling, they are now more likely to prescribe medication. This is partially because there are many other types of clinicians who specialize in talk therapy but cannot prescribe medication. However, some psychiatrists may still see patients for a combination of medication treatment and talk therapy.
A primary care physician (PCP) is usually the "front line" person you see when you have any medical concerns. PCPs have completed medical school, an internship, a residency, and additional hours of training. A patient may be more likely to see a PCP than a specialist for mental health issues, due to the stigma that some may feel is attached to seeing a mental health clinician.
Your PCP may refer you to a psychiatrist or other mental health clinician for ADD diagnosis and treatment or may be comfortable prescribing the medication for you. While finding a specialist in ADD is recommended, there are certainly many PCPs who have educated themselves about ADD and other mental health conditions.
Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners
Advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNPs) are nurses with additional education and years of training. ARNPs have at least a master's degree. They have training in psychiatry, and some have also elected to complete a certification in adult psychiatry. Nurse practitioners can prescribe all psychiatric medications, but they do need a physician to cosign prescriptions they write for stimulant medication.
Physician's Assistants
Physician's assistants (PAs) are required to have at least a bachelor's degree. However, most PA programs now require a minimum of a master's degree. PAs also complete additional hours of training. They can write prescriptions for psychiatric medications, but all the prescriptions must be cosigned by a physician.
Nonprescribing Clinicians
There are other clinicians who specialize in ADD, conduct evaluations for ADD, do testing, and also can help you through talk therapy or counseling. Nonprescribing clinicians include psychologists and licensed professional counselors, clinical social workers, and marriage and family therapists. Many people with ADD also have issues with anxiety and depression. Talking about those issues, and learning new coping skills, may help you live a happier and more productive life. All of the following clinicians can be found in all fifty states and the District of Columbia.
Psychologists must have a doctorate (Ph.D.) and have completed additional training. Psychologists do not prescribe medication, except in New Mexico, where they can prescribe psychiatric medications only after receiving appropriate training. There are different types of psychologists, such as counseling psychologists, clinical psychologists, and neuropsychologists. Your clinician may refer you to a neuropsychologist for evaluation and testing to help determine a diagnosis. Treatments For Adhd Without Medication
Licensed Professional Counselors
Licensed professional counselors (LPCs) or licensed mental health counselors (LMHCs) have at least a master's degree and have additional hours of training past graduation. Counselors can do evaluations, testing, and talk therapy.
Licensed Clinical Social Workers
Licensed clinical social workers (LCSWs) have at least a master's degree and have completed additional hours of training. They are able to do evaluations, testing, and talk therapy. LCSWs tend to have more training in social services than other clinicians.
Licensed Marriage And Family Therapists
Licensed marriage and family therapists (LMFTs) have at least a master's degree. They also have additional training in techniques and therapies that can help you get along better with your family and in your romantic relationship. This type of talk therapy or'counseling is especially important for couples and families in which one or more people are affected by ADD.
There tend to be more conflicts in ADD families than in non-ADD families due to the frustration, difficulties, and impulsivity caused by ADD.
Next post, we'll talk about finding an ADD specialist. At mean time, you can check for more information at Treatments For Adhd Without Medication.